The Dalai Lama on Anger

In April 2015, a young Tibetan student in Dharamsala asked His Holiness how to deal with anger; this was his response,

Anger is a destroyer of a calm mind. Thinking this way you realise that anger is no use for solving problems. It creates more problems. Continuously thinking this way will become a habit and this way we will reduce anger.

His Holiness explained, “When anger develops think what are the causes. Then think what would be the result of angry face, shouting. Then you realise too much anger. Medical scientists they say constant anger, constant hatred and also fear; where there is fear this is frustration. Frustration brings anger. Fear and anger are something very close. Therefore constant fear, constant anger, constant hatred are eating our human system. Everybody is taking care of our health. In order to have healthy body, have healthy mind; that means calm mind – that is very important. “