Flying the Flag for Tibet

We dream of a time when the Tibet balloon will be able to fly high over the Potala Palace in Lhasa as a symbol that the Tibetan people are free.

11012859_447970315384723_91342107192352293_nCan you imagine not being allowed to fly the flag of your country? Worse still, being arrested, imprisoned and even tortured for doing so? For the people of Tibet this is an everyday reality designed to suppress their identity as Tibetans and to force them conform to Chinese rule. The idea for a Tibet Balloon arose out of the passion and expertise of two people – Heaven Crawley and Paul Dopson – with an interest in both hot air ballooning and the issues facing the Tibetan people.

In celebration of His Holiness’ 80th birthday, Heaven and Paul have raised the funds to commission a new hot air balloon, which will be the world’s the biggest Tibetan flag. The balloon will be flying globally from June 2015. Check out the video below for a CGI impression of what the balloon will look like.

Among the Tibet Balloon’s confirmed engagements is the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta, Europe’s biggest annual hot air balloon event with up to 120 balloons taking part every day from 6 to 9 August 2015. The balloons fly at 6am and 6pm each day so why not come along and see the Tibet Balloon fly!